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User Guide

What Does This Plugin Do?

The Tooltips plugin allows authors to add content as tooltips within a page that pop up when a user hovers the mouse cursor over the page element containing the tooltips.

This is a great way to enhance your documentation without adding clutter to your pages. This plugin allows this functionality entirely through the link dialog so that no macros are necessary.

Adding a Tooltip

You can add a tooltip over any wiki content that supports links. To add a new tooltip:

  1. In the page editor, highlight the desired text, images, or elements
  2. Click the 
     button in the toolbar to open the link editor
  3. Select the "Tooltip" tab on the left
  4. Enter the text you'd like to appear in the tooltip in the "Tooltip Text" field and click Save

If you'd like to create a tooltip that also links to another URL:

  1. In the page editor, highlight the desired text, images, or elements
  2. Click the 
     button in the toolbar to open the link editor
  3. Select the "Web link" tab on the left
  4. Enter the link address
  5. Select the "Tooltip" tab on the left
  6. Enter the text you'd like to appear in the tooltip in the "Tooltip Text" field and click Save


  • Use tooltips in table headers to keep tables more compact
  • Add them to status lozenges to add details
  • Confluence provides useful emoticons you can use to provide tooltips
  • Shortcuts for useful emoticons:







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