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Server EOL FAQ

Do you plan to support Data Center?

We currently have no plans to support Data Center. If you would like us to reconsider, please submit a support request.

Do you plan to offer a Cloud version of the app?

The short answer is that we do not currently plan to offer a Cloud version. We’d like to, but for many reasons it can’t currently be done in a way that makes sense from both a business and technical standpoint.

What if I want to continue running the Confluence Server version past EOL?

If you want to continue running Server past EOL along with this app, please reach out to by submitting a support request

Please explain why you can’t offer a Cloud version of the app

The app was highly dependent on the Reporting app as a framework for setting up and displaying the reports on SQL data. That app needed to be fully rearchitected in order to work in Cloud, replacing its many macros with a single one, and eliminating the notion of suppliers along with the SDK for writing custom ones. Any attempt at writing a Cloud version of this app would also force our customers to rewrite all their content as part of their Cloud migration.

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