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Administrator Guide

System Requirements

Before installing this add-on, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Confluence server with Reporting 6.0 or later
  • A supported SQL database that is accessible from your Confluence server over TCP

The following are also recommended:

Supported Databases

DatabaseSupportedJDBC Driver Bundled
With Confluence? 
MS SQL Server(tick)(tick)
  • Requires version 2.2 or later
MS Azure DB(tick)(error)
  • Requires version 2.5 or later
  • Requires Microsoft driver
  • See Microsoft's documentation for instructions on how to download the driver and looking up your connection string

Data Source Configuration

Tomcat Datasource Configuration

This is the preferred method for configuring database connections and the only way to configure more than one connection

  1. Configure the data source by following the "Configure Tomcat" instructions for your specific database. Be sure to replace the name="jdbc/confluence" parameter with name="jdbc/<connection name>"
  2. Restart Confluence
  3. You should now be able to reference your data source using the value you set in <connection name> above.

Admin Screen

Only one connection can be configured this way. This admin screen is intended for testing purposes. Production systems should use the tomcat datasource connections.


Confluence Administration -> SQL Connector


NameDatabase name. Used in Database Supplier to identify the database(tick)
JDBC URLValid JDBC connection string for the database(tick)
UsernameUsername to access the database


PasswordPassword for the user(error)
JavaScript errors detected

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